Introduction To Migraine Resolution


Over the next few weeks I will be presenting a series of articles discussing my perspective on migraines, my research of migraines over the last two decades and the current status of migraine medicine. It is my hope that you will begin to see yourself and understand more fully the etiology of what you have been suffering as a migraine patient. More importantly, my objective is that you will begin to understand that there is a resolution for your condition, contrary to what you have been led to understand. These series of articles will be broken into several sections that include:

  • The Swearington Perspective on Migraines  “In the next segment I will cover children, women and men and their contrasting migraine symptoms”.
  • Who Suffers from Migraines  “In the next segment I will cover current treatments that exist and the HMD resolution.”
  • Treatment and Real resolution from Migraines.