
Jake's Story

“George Knows More About Migraines Than Anyone We Have Ever Met”

Jake started complaining that he had a headache when he was five; he was only in kindergarten. As parents, we started looking for solutions – we wanted to see our son enjoying school. We changed Jake from the morning class to the afternoon class because the afternoon class was a calmer group, we kept him home some days, we arranged with his teacher to allow him to work in a quiet room and we started seeing a very long line of doctors and specialists. Jake’s headaches continued. He was able to get through kindergarten but he continued to suffer into the summer and into the next school year. By second grade Jake could do nothing without a headache. He had a headache during school, he had a headache during baseball practice, he had a headache when he was outside playing with his brothers, he had a headache when he woke up in the morning and when he went to bed at night. By the time Jake reached third grade we even tried home schooling but the headaches continued.

From the time Jake was 5 until his junior year in high school – Jakes’s head hurt. Some days on a scale of 1 to 10 the pain was only a 2 or 3 but other days it was a full blown migraine; his temples were pounding, he was nauseated, he was sensitive to light and noise, and it was a struggle for him to get out of bed. As parents we felt helpless when we would hear Jake crawl to the bathroom because he was too nauseated and in too much pain to walk. Jake was dealing with more pain than any child should have to deal with; however, he wanted to be a normal boy. He wanted to play Little League baseball, he wanted to wrestle and play football like his brothers, he wanted to golf, and he wanted to be able to play with his friends without pain. Jake did those things but he was constantly dealing with a headache.

Jake saw pediatricians, neurologists, dentists, pediatric neurologists and physical therapists. We took Jake to every specialist we could find including the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. The “help” we received for Jake revolved around two main ideas. The first was give him a pill and another pill, try this pill and now try this one. Jake was given anti-anxiety drugs, anti-seizure drugs, sleeping pills, shots in the emergency room and even injections of Botox and nothing stopped the pain. The second main theory was the pain is all in his head and if you ignore it and maybe try imagery in a dark room it will go away or he will outgrow it. We knew that Jake’s pain was real but so many doctors gave Jake the impression that he was just looking for attention. These doctors did not have to look at Jake when his eyes were glossy from pain and he was working so hard just to do the things he wanted to do. Jake got to the point where he did not like doctors and he did not want to see any more because he thought no one could help him. We were at a loss as parents but knew we could not stop looking for answers. Our looking intensified when we found Jake in a corner, crying and curled in a fetal position after a wrestling match. He told his dad, “I am so sick of this, I can’t handle it anymore; I just want to wrestle once without my head pounding.”

We heard about a homeopathic physician from SF from a friend. Jake was tired of doctors and had given up on getting help; however, I scheduled an appointment because as a parent I could not give up. From day one, this doctor was different. He put all the pieces together by asking probing questions that had never been asked and he used an approach that worked. After fighting to not go to that first visit, Jake walked out of the office and said, “This is different, I think he is going to help me.” George cured our son. He did not try to eliminate symptoms with a pill; he went to the root of the problem and cured him. After Jake had had three or four appointments with George, he work up headache free for the first time in twelve years. I will never forget that day, I asked Jake, “How do you feel today” and he answered, “I feel good.” Those are the best words a parent can hear. My child felt good.

Anyone who thinks migraines are not curable has not met this man. After three weeks of appointments with George, Jake’s migraines and headaches were completely resolved. George knows more about migraines than anyone we have ever met and we have met a lot. George is brilliant. He spends the necessary time with a patient to ask essential questions, listen to answers, and then from those answers develop a treatment plan that goes to the root of the problem. His intelligence, compassion, and ability to see the whole person has resulted in a completely new approach to curing migraines. An approach that works.

Jake's Story Leasa Martinez, Educator
JoAnna Paap

“George Swearington is a brilliant homeopathic doctor and he healed me!”

Since my 20’s I often suffered from headaches but aspirins seemed to temporarily take care of them. Around 1997 I got my first migraine and from that time on I suffered with chronic daily headaches and frequent migraines that lasted between 3 to 5 days. I went to my family practitioner and began the 7 year journey to find the cause and the cure. The initial and long lasting presumption centered on my hormones and hormone treatments but I tried everything that I, my doctor or anyone else could think of. I went for months on end to multiple chiropractors and acupuncturist thinking if I stuck with it long enough the treatments would work. I went to kinesiologist, neurologists, masseuses; I had my blood tested and my home checked for possible environmental causes. I took all kinds of medications from hormone replacements to prescription medicines that generally made me feel even worse. Nothing helped. There were no answers and when my doctor finally said to me she didn’t know what else to do, I felt hopeless and exhausted.

In January 2005, my sister-in-law mentioned that she had heard of a homeopathic doctor named George Swearington that she had heard very good thing about. I was skeptical and worried about the cost but decided I had to give it a try. Thank goodness I did.

George treated me and all my conditions for about 4 months and I haven’t had a migraine since. After a couple weeks, my chronic headaches went away and how almost 6 years later I am still headache and migraine free. George looked for and understood the origin of my pain. Everyone else only guessed at the cause and seemed to focus more on dulling my pain than finding the root cause. George took the time to fully understand my situation and immediately knew how to treat my issues. I am living proof that there is a cure for migraines and chronic headaches.

George is an incredibly smart, dedicated homeopathic doctor and a true healer!

JoAnna Paap
Clay Ellis

“Within Only A Few Sessions My Son Was No Longer Experiencing Any Migraines” From age four until fourteen my son suffered from frequent, severe migraines. Doctors seemed to have no answers and medicines were no help. It started to sound more and more like this was something he would simply have to learn to live with. But for any parent who has to watch their child suffer it was agonizing not only for him, but for my wife and me also, to sit by helplessly while he endured episode after episode of pain so intense that it made him sick to his stomach. However, I had the good fortune to become acquainted with George Swearington. He mentioned that migraines are relatively easy to cure. Unlike the doctors we had seen, George asked detailed questions that dug much deeper into my son’s medical history. George determined that a head injury at an early age had most likely brought on the migraines. He not only addressed the head injury but also some habitual patterns my son had developed, relating to posture, which compounded the problem and within only a few sessions with George my son was no longer experiencing any migraines. It has been nine months now since George finished treating him and there have still be no migraines. It seems western medicine is clueless with it comes to migraines (and many other ailments) and whereas George’s treatment is “unconventional” by some people’s standards, it is also unquestionably effective. Many thanks to you, George.

Clay Ellis Photographer
Eric Kolvig

“PTSD Disorder – This Approach is Highly Effective. Few people could have healed my condition.”

For years I accommodated more and more pain in my upper right back and shoulder. Last year the pain moved to the right arm and pectoral. By winter, my entire upper right torso was frozen, front and back, and I was experiencing pain in my hips from deeply contracted buttocks. The contraction was so great that I could move my right arm to the side only about two feet from my torso. I was forced to give up swimming, canoeing and skiing – favorite activities. I’d become partially disabled.

After months of unsuccessful treatment by another health provider, I had the good fortune to find George Swearington of the Clinic for Corrective Injuries in SF. Over a period of six months, George has restored me to full mobility and health, bringing circulation and flexibility to muscles that have been contracted like iron and effectively paralyzed. Because so many interrelated muscles have been involved, he has had to unpack the condition layer by layer, like untying the Gordian Knot, strand by strand.

That is what George has accomplished on a physical level, but that is really only half of the story. I am a survivor of severe, prolonged childhood trauma, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse that lasted for years. At the age of 54 I still experience acute post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Because treating my physical condition has necessarily involved physical pain, which can trigger PTSD, I could not have endured this successfully if George had not been remarkably compassionate, patient, gentle, and skilled as a counselor with someone going through intense emotional manifestations as well as physical ones. George’s strong hands are kind hands. Because of that kindness and skill, I am now somewhat more healed emotionally (PTSD) as well as fully healed physically.

I believe that few people could have successfully healed my condition, with its intertwined physical and emotional intensities. George’s gift seems to me just short of miraculous, and I am profoundly grateful to him for what he has done for me.

Eric Kolvig PhD
Carol Sue Thomas
“I Found Myself Paralyzed By Debilitating Back Pain”

Pain! Fear! The fear of pain and the pain of fear. Pain that knocks you down right in the middle of life. Paint some out of nowhere when you least expect it, during a good laugh, reaching for something each and simple, just getting out of your car, or brushing your teeth.

I cherish both life and the ability to be gifted with physical coordination. I am a very active woman. For the last twenty five years this joy has been shadowed with the fear and reality of debilitating pain. Spasms and pain would rake my body until the only thing I could do is lie catatonic for days and pray that it would soon pass. This impacted my emotional and mental well-being as well as career paths.

A close friend implored me to see George Swearington.

I already had heard of too many cure-alls to care about taking on one more waste of time and money. Then I found myself again paralyzed by debilitating back pain.

I made the call to George. We had a thorough interview. He pinpointed trauma areas and pain sensations that I had forgotten about. He structured a treatment plan that involved my participation and commitment. It took the prescribed amount of time he predicted. The result of his treatment has been incredible.

It seems to me that he took the nucleus of old traumas, physically broke them up allowing blood to circulate through areas that had been blocked for years. It’s as if I have new muscle tissue free from old patterns. The amazing thing is that a lot of old emotional stuff left too. His process was definitely one that we worked on together.

Mr. Swearington is extremely focused, intuitive, knowledgeable, and strong. I continue to maintain and honor the balance he provided. I highly recommend his treatments to anyone who is willing to commit themselves. The rewards are unparalleled to anything I have experience before. I feel free of pain and free of the fear of pain.

Carol Sue Thomas
Dan Duran

Dear George,

As I told you personally, I very much appreciate the therapy I have received from you. You might recall that I had suffered constant pain from an injury to my back for over 17 years when I first came to you in 1995. During those 17 years I received many kinds of therapy, such as traction, physical therapy, hot pack, ultra sound therapy, bed rest, exercises, and anti-inflammatory medications. Some of those treatments were helpful but for only short periods of time, which required me to return for frequent follow-up sessions.

It was only when I received your unique therapy that I experienced permanent relief of pain and increased flexibility, along with a general feeling of well-being that I had not known during those many years. My wife noticed that my face actually changed, became more relaxed and even smiling (I’m sure due to relief of pain). Since completing your course of therapy, I have not regressed to my former condition and returned to you for only two very brief follow-up sessions due to minor stiffness in my shoulder. Your therapy resolved my painful condition of over 17 years in two and a half months of intensive work, which is truly remarkable. For this I thank you very much. You made a significant positive impact on my physical functioning, and I am grateful.

Without reservation, I have recommended you and your therapy to others and will continue to do so. I wish you continued success in your practice.

Dan Duran